
编号 题目 状态 分数 总时间 内存 代码 提交者 提交时间
#97865 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 288 ms 19948 K Python 3 / 121 B KingheroKing of the summit 2021-07-07 17:57:57
#140935 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 293 ms 19944 K Python 3 / 113 B big_flowerRJET 2022-02-02 19:04:36
#107057 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 309 ms 19948 K Python 3 / 115 B lzq666Red2 2021-08-20 11:35:40
#106598 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 311 ms 19996 K Python 3 / 132 B bcm18 2021-08-17 18:09:10
#86730 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 316 ms 20116 K Python 3 / 121 B daimengjie 2021-04-04 18:59:42
#61983 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 318 ms 20296 K Python 3 / 121 B YANGHAOYU 2020-08-27 9:27:23
#74904 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 321 ms 20076 K Python 3 / 117 B szy20090502 2021-01-02 10:35:18
#112726 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 327 ms 19948 K Python 3 / 112 B ykj06 2021-09-25 17:12:28
#79115 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 330 ms 20144 K Python 3 / 118 B ZLY 2021-02-01 19:11:58
#56931 #1274. 判断奇偶性 Accepted 100 335 ms 20296 K Python 3 / 133 B kjsdghsd无敌 2020-08-07 19:00:32


